Q&A with Leverage’s Dean Devlin

Man, I love Leverage. And if you don’t, well, you’re not my friend anymore.

I had the great opportunity to be on a conference call with Leverage‘s Dean Devlin–the show’s executive producer, writer, and director (at least of tonight’s episode). Yes, we’re talking one of the masterminds behind the cons. He was really interesting and had some great things to say about the cast members, the plan of the show, and even what he was like growing up.

I can’t say that I’m entirely thrilled that tonight’s episode of Leverage is the season finale because that means there’s a good span of time with no episodes. But then again, I’m ecstatic to see a brand new episode, especially after last week’s cliffhanger. What do you expect to see tonight?

Well, keep guessing, and in the meantime, read Dean Devlin’s Q&A below!

So I wanted to ask you, the “Three Strikes Job” episode…it had a lot of twists and turns on its own and almost would have been a pretty satisfying ending on its own but then I see the preview for the second part and it looks like things get even more intense within the group.  So what can you tell me about what the team is going to face during the season finale? – All Headline News

Well you know the theme of the whole second season was really about identity, in other words you know before the season – before season 1 began, these were all loners who all worked by themselves, who didn’t really have a sense of family.  In season 1, they had come together but the question was could they hold themselves together?

And in season 2 really the question became well, if they’re not who they used to be before they got together, who are they now?  And so the real exploration in this next episode is the culmination of these stories and a discovery really of who they are in relationship to each other, in who they’re going to be going forward.

You know in this season Sophie had to leave the team to find out who she was.  Nate is trying to redefine himself and he’s – obviously he’s had struggles as he’s fallen off the wagon and trying to understand who he is.  So this will all culminate in [tonight’s] episode.


[Read more after the jump!]

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A Q&A with Leverage’s Jeri Ryan

image courtesy of TNT

Leverage fans may have been surprised when Gina Bellman’s character, Sophie, took an undetermined leave of absence from the show. Taking up Bellman’s place in the cast, though, is the very talented Jeri Ryan, who will be appearing as a special guest for the six remaining episodes of Season 2. I was able to talk with Jeri on a conference call recently, about her addition to the cast. Take a look below, for the transcript from the entire call.


Hi. It’s a pleasure to speak with you. — Starry Constellation Magazine.

Hi. Thanks.

What made you want to be a part of the show?

You know what, the way they picked the character – the way it came about was I had gone in to meet with Michael Wright who is the head of TNT. And this was at the same time when, you know, they were realizing they had to find a way to work around Gina Bellman’s pregnancy.

So they were coming up with the idea of, you know, creating this additional character. And it was Michael’s idea. I guess he kind of put two and two together and thought it would be a good fit.

But the way they pitched this character to me I loved everything about her. She sounded like so much fun. The episodes that I had seen of the show were great. I love the tone of it. I love, you know, that it doesn’t take itself too seriously.

And it’s a very different character than anything that I’ve really gotten to play before. So it was pretty exciting.

Did you find there was instant chemistry when you began working with the team or did it take a bit of time to develop?

You know what, they’re amazing. And I’m used to being the new kid because I’m – I joke that I’m the designated pinch hitter for TV series because Shark is the only show that I’ve ever been with from the very beginning, from the pilot.

My first series was Dark Sky that was added in the middle of that season. Boston Public I was added Season 2, Star Trek Season 4. So this was, you know, it’s nothing new for me to walk in, in the middle of a thing. But this is such a great group of people.

They’re so warm and funny and just a bunch of goof balls. And so it’s amazing that we actually got anything accomplished ever because all we did was sit around and laugh at each other.

Well did you have to do anything specific to prepare for the role?

You know what, there wasn’t any time to do anything specific to prepare for the role. It was sort of a pretty quick process from the time that TNT approached me with the idea of doing the character and offered me the role and the time that we started shooting.

It was all really fast. I mean they were still – I think it was maybe a week or two at most and there was, you know, they were still sort of developing the character. They were still writing her. They weren’t really sure who she was yet.

So I think it was, you know, a day or two before we actually started shooting that I got a really detailed character breakdown from John Rogers giving me the character’s back story and all of that. So there wasn’t a lot of time to prepare and get ready.

This was – it was kind of fly by the seat of your pants but it was amazing. It was really fun. And she’s – she’s a great skin to inhabit. I really enjoyed playing Tara.

Great. Thank you so much.

Thank you.

(Read More After the Jump)

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Are you ready for some ‘Leverage’? How about more?

Good news for you Leverage fans.

Were you lamenting that the season was going by too quickly? That you’d miss your team of five? Well, it looks like we’re in luck. TNT has added two new episodes to the show’s summer lineup.

Two new episodes! Two. New. Episodes!

Perhaps I’m overreacting. But with all the TNT shows coming to a close, I was getting a little saddened (and surprised) to see that Leverage was one of the next ones to sign off for the summer. But I get to postpone that lament, at least for the time being.

So what are these new episodes? Well, here’s at least the titles, if that tells you anything:

“The Ice Man Job,” airing Wednesday, Sept. 2
“The Lost Heir Job,”
airing Wednesday, Sept. 9

I know, I know. Spoilers would be better. But I will tell you this. “The Lost Heir Job” is the summer finale (of course). And this episode introduces a new recurring character to the cast: Tara, a grifter, who is played by Star Trek: Voyager‘s Jeri Ryan!

So get happy, people. We don’t have to say good-bye quite yet. I haven’t quite heard if the show’s been picked up for season 3. I do know that there will be some remaining episodes aired in the winter to finish off the second season (according to TV Guide). I’d be quite shocked if it didn’t get a full third season, though. But I’ll keep those fingers crossed just in case.

And let’s hear it for Leverage!

image courtesy of TNT

image courtesy of TNT